Potting machine Stolze 3030
A potting machine is indispensable for potting plants. Martin Stolze has the Potting Machine 3030 for this purpose: perfect for every potting job! The Potting machine 3030 comes in a number of variants. These for instance vary in terms of length, pitch size, and number of pot holders, for example. We make the ‘3030’ under own management in a short, long, and extra-long design. The machine uses a single, double or alternate rotation system and is suitable for pots from 6 cm to 30 cm in height. Capacity is up to 7,800 pots her hour (double rotation).
Simple operation
The Potting Machine 3030 is very easy to operate. It’s connected to a touch screen which displays the number of pots rotated, the rotation speed and any errors. In case of a malfunction, the machine stops automatically and the part where the malfunction occurred and the steps that can be taken to fix the malfunction are displayed on the screen. This allows you to quickly resolve any malfunctions yourself and get back to work. For your convenience, the machines are also equipped with frequency-controlled motors for precise control of the soil supply and the speed of the machine.
We have developed a number of accessories for the 3030. Pot holders are available for almost all pot sizes, as well as drills and corresponding drill plates. If you have other requirements, we can make these for you as well.